Wind Finland 2024


Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki

Wind Finland is the biggest wind power seminar in Finland gathering over up to 850 people from 250 companies and at least 14 different countries to learn from the latest winds in the industry and to network. In 2024, Wind Finland will be organized in Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki.

Tickets and partnerships are now available!Wind Finland is the biggest wind power seminar in Finland gathering over up to 850 people from 250 companies and at least 14 different countries to learn from the latest winds in the industry and to network. In 2024, Wind Finland will be organized in Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki.

Tickets and partnerships are now available!

Additional information

Aino Herranen

Association Manager

+358 40 772 3519

  • Courses
  • Events
  • Projects

Anne Heinonen

Member Services and Event Manager

+358 40 1343336

  • Memberships
  • Events

Vilppu-Valtteri Johansson

+358 400 783 293

+358 400 783 293

  • Wind Finland & Solar Power Finland -seminars -
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