Advocacy for industrial and property-specific solar power strengthens


The growth of solar power production in Finland is progressing rapidly, and to grow sustainably, the industry needs a predictable and stable operating environment. The advocacy for domestic solar power is diversifying and strengthening, as from now on, solar power advocacy will be carried out by two associations. The Finnish Solar Energy Association (Suomen Aurinkoenergiayhdistys ry, SARY) will continue to focus on property and site-specific solar power production, regardless of scale, while Renewables Finland will promote the use of industrial-scale solar power in Finland, in addition to industrial wind power.

Both SARY and Renewables Finland (formerly the Finnish Wind Power Association) have a long history in advocating for renewable energy in Finland. SARY has been a driving force for solar power for 45 years, with the goal of raising awareness of the sector and promoting all development opportunities related to solar energy. Renewables Finland has been advocating for the wind power industry for over 35 years and has been an important factor in making industrial wind power one of Finland’s most significant current methods of producing renewable energy. The association has now expanded its activities to include advocacy for industrial-scale solar power.

The use of solar power is growing rapidly in Finland. The rapid development of cell technology creates opportunities to utilize solar energy more efficiently in both small-scale and industrial production. Both forms of production need a clear political operating environment to develop, which is the shared goal of SARY and Renewables Finland.

“SARY’s members will continue to deliver solar power solutions for household, commercial, service, and industrial needs, as well as for sites where on-site solar power production can be utilized by the electricity consumer. Small-scale solar power production is a significant way to enable Finnish households to produce their own electricity and contribute to balancing the electricity system. So, you should continue to turn to us for all small-scale solar power matters,” summarizes SARY’s chairman of the board, Markus Andersén.

Renewables Finland will continue to promote advocacy themes related to industrial solar power.

“It is great that we can continue to work side by side with such an experienced entity as SARY in promoting domestic solar power. The separation of our operational fields into small-scale and industrial production brings clarity and provides an opportunity to strengthen the advocacy of both. There are many synergies in the advocacy of solar and wind power, and in addition, many of our member companies operate in both areas, which is why expanding our operations to include industrial-scale solar power was a natural step for us,” concludes Renewables Finland’s Director of Operations, Heidi Paalatie.

More information about SARY’s activities

More information about Renewables Finland’s activities

More information:

Heidi Paalatie, Director of Operations, Renewables Finland, +358 40 550 3858,

Markus Andersén, Chairman, Finnish Solar Energy Association (SARY), +358 40 860 9651,

Christer Nyman, Executive Director, Finnish Solar Energy Association (SARY), +358 400 458790,

More information

Anni Mikkonen


+358 40 771 6114

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