
Renewables Finland is a respected advocacy organization which represents its member companies in supporting and developing the national solar and wind power industry in Finland. Get to know our members!

Kaikki jäsenrekisterin tulokset:

Renergy Nordic Ab

Professional project management and project development from greenfield to operation with over 30 years of international experience in the energy industry.

Our references include everything from small projects and short-term assignments to long-term projects of over 400 MW.

We serve in Finnish and Swedish as well as English internationally.

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Renewable Power Capital Limited

Renewable Power Capital is a pan-European renewable energy investment platform established in 2020, backed by CPP Investments. Renewable Power Capital is registered in England and Wales, with headquarters in London. We invest in the development, construction and long-term ownership of onshore wind and solar projects, enabling energy transition and driving stable long-term, risk-adjusted returns. Our flexible mandate allows us to structure investments that recognise the changing market dynamics in Europe and to develop innovative solutions for managing development, construction and merchant investments. Renewable Power Capital is led by a seasoned and established team of energy investment professionals with deep renewable power, technical and operational expertise and a strong common purpose. We are dedicated to the renewable energy sector, with a truly long-term mind set, creating value over decades rather than months. We are committed to industry leading practices and standards through all our operations, with a diligent focus on health, safety and environmental management. Renewable Power Capital is focused on building strong, lasting partnerships centred on trust and integrity in alignment with the values of our investor and our global network of CPP Investments’ portfolio companies. Renewable Power Capital aims to pioneer the European renewables sector, accelerating the already rapid growth and playing a key role in making the energy transition a reality.

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RES Renewable Norden AB

RES is the world’s largest independent renewable energy company. At the forefront of the industry for 40 years, RES has delivered more than 23GW of renewable energy projects across the globe and supports an operational asset portfolio exceeding 9GW worldwide for a large client base. RES employs more than 2,500 people and is active in 11 countries working across onshore and offshore wind, solar, energy storage and transmission and distribution.

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Restuuli Oy

Sähkön tuotanto tuulivoimalla Salon Märynummella, 5 MW Gamesa G128

Ropetech Oy

Energia-alan ja teollisuuden korkean paikan rakennetarkastukset ja korjaukset köysityöskentelynä. Teknikkomme ovat suomalaisia GWO ja IRATA –koulutettuja NDT-tarkastajia, joilla on myös painelaitekokemus sekä hitsausvalmius.
Yhteistyössä NDT Inspection & Consulting Oy:n kanssa tarjoamme kokonaispalveluna
-HSE Site manager- ja nostotyön valvonta
-putoamissuojainten tarkastukset
-NDT-tarkastukset (ml. pyörrevirta-, ultraääni- ja magneettijauhetarkastukset)
-lapatarkastukset ja -korjaukset

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Roschier Asianajotoimisto Oy

Roschier on yksi Pohjoismaiden johtavista asianajotoimistoista, ja se tunnetaan kattavasta kokemuksestaan vaativissa kansainvälisissä toimeksiannoissa yritysjuridiikan alalla. Roschierin toimipaikat sijaitsevat Helsingissä ja Tukholmassa. Roschierin kansainvälinen suhdeverkosto tarjoaa yhteydet johtaviin asianajotoimistoihin maailmanlaajuisesti.

Tuulivoiman osalta erityinen painopisteemme on tuulivoiman liittyvät yritysjärjestelyt, projektirahoitus, urakka- ja turbiinitoimitussopimukset sekä PPA-sopimukset.

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