
Renewables Finland is a respected advocacy organization which represents its member companies in supporting and developing the national solar and wind power industry in Finland. Get to know our members!

Kaikki jäsenrekisterin tulokset:

Caverion Industria Oy

When you combine the strength of the international Caverion group and WiCo’s experience of 10 years in wind power, the driving force behind the equation is the desire to implement sustainable industrial solutions and we continue to serve the industry with state of the art services for renewable energy.

We want to be involved in creating a more sustainable tomorrow and do our part for the well-being of our environment. We monitor, maintain and inspect wind turbines and wind farms so that they produce their best capacity throughout their entire life cycle.

Caverion provides a full range of services and solutions for the wind industry and control room services for wind power, solar power and substation control, to maximize the energy production of wind parks and minimize the service costs.

Safety is our top priority. With 8 years of experience we offer GWO trainings in Oulu and Seinäjoki. We are forerunners in wind industry maintenance services and provide you with FINAS accredited inspections.

We take care of your assets 8760 hours a year.

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Celltech Oy

Celltech on Suomen johtava akkujärjestelmien suunnittelija ja valmistaja sekä paristojen ja erikoisakkujen maahantuoja. Toimitamme akkuenergiavarastoja uusiutuvan energiajärjestelmän tueksi. Yhdessä pohjoismaisten sisaryritysten kanssa Celltech Group on alan suurin toimija Pohjoismaissa. Celltech Group on osa ruotsalaista Addtech AB:a, tekniikan alan konsernia.

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Centrica Energy Trading A/S

Centrica Energy Marketing & Trading is Centrica’s trading arm. We trade energy commodities – connecting producers, suppliers, and corporate off-takers in wholesale energy markets. Providing third-party clients with leading energy route-to-market services, our portfolio of third-party power generation assets exceeds 15GW where 85% are renewables. To service clients across Europe, we have main offices in the UK and Denmark, branches in Norway and Sweden and subsidiaries in Germany and Singapore.

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CFE Finland Oy

Olemme energia-alan innovatiivisia asiantuntijoita, jotka ovat sitoutuneet tukemaan siirtymistä puhtaaseen ja kestävään energiajärjestelmään tarjoamalla kattavia asiantuntijapalveluja uusiutuvan energian alalla.

Palvelumme kattavat hankkeiden koko elinkaaren alkusuunnittelusta rakennustöiden valvontaan ja jatkuviin kehitystehtäviin tekoälyä hyödyntäen.

We are innovative experts in the energy sector, committed to supporting the transition to a clean and sustainable energy system by offering comprehensive expert services in the field of renewable energy.

Our services cover the entire lifecycle of projects, from initial planning to supervision of construction works and ongoing development tasks utilizing artificial intelligence.

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Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners {CI IV Transfer Cooperatief U.A}.

Cpc Finland Oy

CPC Finland Oy on Germania Windpark:in täysin omistama tytäryhtiö. Germania Windpark on yksi Saksan ja Euroopan vanhimmista tuulipuisto suunnittelijoista. Olemme suunnitellut/rakentaneet 310 MW (toiminnassa) ja meillä on yli 2000 MW projektiportfolio Euroopassa.

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