Renewables Finland is a respected advocacy organization which represents its member companies in supporting and developing the national solar and wind power industry in Finland. Get to know our members!
Renewables Finland is a respected advocacy organization which represents its member companies in supporting and developing the national solar and wind power industry in Finland. Get to know our members!
Kaikki jäsenrekisterin tulokset:
Energiequelle on tarjoaa uusiutuvan energian ratkaisuja yhteisöille sekä maanomistajille.
Yhtiömme palveluiden keskiössä on uusiutuvan energian hankekehitys. Yhtiömme suunnittelee, rakentaa ja operoi erilaisia uusiutuvan energian voimaloita. Palettiimme kuuluu niin tuulivoima, aurinkovoima, energiavarastointi sekä akkuvarastot, vety- sekä P2X-hankkeet, mutta myös voimaloiden vaatimat sähköasemat sekä sähköverkot. Lisäksi palveluihimme kuuluu kaupallinen ja tekninen hallinnointi.
Energiequelle lukeutuu alansa johtaviin toimijoihin Euroopassa ja työllistää tällä hetkellä yhteensä yli 600 ihmistä Saksassa, Suomessa, Ranskassa, Puolassa, Kreikassa ja Etelä-Afrikassa. Suomessa yhtiömme toimipisteet sijaitsevat Helsingissä ja Vaasassa.
Energiequelle is an international renewable energy company dedicated to create a sustainable energy future that is economically, ecologically, and socially responsible.
Our company's services focus on renewable energy project development. Our company designs, builds and operates various renewable energy power plants. Our portfolio includes wind power, solar power, energy storage and battery storage, hydrogen and P2X projects, but also the substations and electricity networks required by the power plants. In addition, our services include commercial and technical management.
We are deeply involved in every phase of our projects' lifecycle, starting from identifying potential sites for renewable energy production, navigating through planning and permitting processes, to constructing power plants, and overseeing technical and commercial operations.
Kattava palveluportfolio tuulipuistohankkeisiin. Tarjoamme palvelut tuulipuiston koko elinkaarelle alkaen suunnittelu, kehitys ja lupaprosessit sekä projektin johto, rakentaminen (voimalaperustukset ja nostoalustat, infra, sähkö- ja tietoliikenneverkot, sähköasemat ja voimalinjat). Meiltä myös tuulipuistojen laadukkaat käyttö- ja kunnossapitopalvelut sekä kattavat energiamarkkinoiden palvelut 30 vuoden kokemuksella.
Enerva is one of Finland's largest electricity grid control centers. Our unique range of services, state-of-the-art systems and our cybersecure operating method enable efficient monitoring and operation of electricity networks.
Our control center works 24/7/365 handling over 5000 planned or unplanned outages annually. Our personnel are well trained for different situations. All operators combined our total years of experience is over 200 years.
We currently operate approximately 50 000 km of electrical network and 100 substations. Our clients are DSOs from Finland, and we have several renewable energy production sites coming to our operation upon completion of construction.
We offer turn key solutions for operation and maintenance. With us you get methods that have been practically perfected for years and expertise that goes beyond O&M-services.
Our main services are:
- 24/7 control center
- 24/7 fault management (on-site)
- Annual maintenance
- A named head of electrical operations
Contact us and let us take care of your asset.
Enerva - Always ON
Eolus on yksi pohjoismaiden johtavista uusiutuvan energian hankekehittäjistä. Kehitämme, rakennamme ja hallinnoimme uusiutuvan energian hankkeita pohjoismaissa, Baltian maissa, Puolassa ja Yhdysvalloissa. Samalla tarjoamme sijoittajille kestäviä sijoituskohteita. Suomessa kehitämme maa- ja merituulivoimaa, aurinkovoimaa sekä akkuvarastoja.
EPV Energy Ltd is a Finnish energy company that generates and procures approximately 5% of all the electricity consumed in Finland. The company generates and acquires electricity and heat for its shareholders, i.e. Finnish energy companies. EPV Energy has 70 years of experience in responsible energy generation. We focus on emission-free and reliable energy generation with determination and purpose. At EPV Energy, we have greatly improved our range of energy generation, resulting in significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. We aim to achieve carbon-neutral electricity generation by 2030. In 2021, the share of emission-free sources in EPV Energy’s electricity generation was 84.2%. EPV Energy has 70 years’ experience of responsible energy generation. EPV Energy’s turnover in 2021 was MEUR 440 and we employed 118 people.
EPV Energy is one of the largest producers of wind power in Finland, having started our wind power programme as early as 2006. Right now, EPV Energy’s sixth wind farm is well on its way to completion in Närpes, Finland. Wind power is an important form of energy production for the company. In 2021, approximately 23% of EPV’s energy generation was already coming from wind power.
Esmera is an independent, international M&A Boutique with a clear focus on energy infrastructure and cleantech. Founding members have a hands-on involvement in the company, operating from offices based in Munich and Constance.
We work on renewables energy transactions in Finland on a regular basis and gained experience in Nordpool markets from numerous transactions over the last 10+ years. Most often we help to sell or finance wind and solar PV projects, both operational or in development stage. We also help our clients to sell renewable energy development companies (partly or as a whole) and to expand into new markets where we already have expertise.