Press releases

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Press releases

The growth story of offshore wind in Finland slowed down, but not ended

The Government has taken a negative decision on 16 applications for offshore wind energy in the EEZ. The rejection decision means that the development of the offshore wind projects concerned will be delayed. It is important to ensure the positive development of offshore wind power in Finland, as offshore wind power, due to its high […]


Press releases

Finnish Wind Power Association expands its activities to solar power

The annual meeting of the Finnish Wind Power Association (FWPA) decided yesterday that the association will expand its activities not only to wind power but also to industrial-scale solar power. With this extension, the association’s activities will cover a more significant part of the Finnish renewable energy field. At its annual meeting on 18 April […]


Press releases

The greatest investment potential in the green transition is in wind power

According to the project review by the Finnish Wind Power Association (FWPA), Finland has plans for over 130,000 megawatts of wind power. In terms of investment potential, this amount translates to over 200 billion euros in investments. A significant number of these investments are already under construction, with more than three billion euros worth of […]


Press releases

Wind power production increased by 25% in 2023 – domestic wind power increases electricity availability

More wind power is being built rapidly in Finland, which increases Finland’s energy self-sufficiency and energy security due to the uncertainty in the energy supply caused by the geopolitical situation. Domestic wind electricity production increased by 25 percent compared to the previous year. Wind power has grown into one of our most significant forms of […]


Press releases

Wind power could cover Finland’s doubling need of electricity

According to recent wind power project statistics, the growth of wind power in Finland is on a strong foundation: a record amount of almost 135 gigawatts (GW) of new wind power capacity is planned for land and sea. In practice, the extensive wind power project portfolio means that even if the electrification of society and […]


Press releases

Finland’s wind power statistics 2023

Year 2023 was the second busiest wind power construction year in our history. During 2023, 212 new wind turbines came on-line in Finland. The pace of construction in the coming years will increase our wind power capacity, as new projects are being actively developed both onshore and offshore. At the same time, economic uncertainty, rising […]


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