Press releases

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Press releases

Wind power production increased by 25% in 2023 – domestic wind power increases electricity availability

More wind power is being built rapidly in Finland, which increases Finland’s energy self-sufficiency and energy security due to the uncertainty in the energy supply caused by the geopolitical situation. Domestic wind electricity production increased by 25 percent compared to the previous year. Wind power has grown into one of our most significant forms of […]


Press releases

Wind power could cover Finland’s doubling need of electricity

According to recent wind power project statistics, the growth of wind power in Finland is on a strong foundation: a record amount of almost 135 gigawatts (GW) of new wind power capacity is planned for land and sea. In practice, the extensive wind power project portfolio means that even if the electrification of society and […]


Press releases

Finland’s wind power statistics 2023

Year 2023 was the second busiest wind power construction year in our history. During 2023, 212 new wind turbines came on-line in Finland. The pace of construction in the coming years will increase our wind power capacity, as new projects are being actively developed both onshore and offshore. At the same time, economic uncertainty, rising […]


Press releases

Report: Wind turbine demolition costs have remained the same

Wind power is now being built rapidly in Finland. Depending on the time of construction, the lifespan of wind turbines varies from 20-25 years to even more than 35 years. Only individual turbines will be dismantled in Finland in the 2020s, but the pace of dismantling is expected to accelerate in the late 2030s. The […]


Press releases

Wind power construction continues at a steady pace

According to statistics compiled by the Finnish Wind Power Association in June 2023, the second largest amount of wind power capacity is being built in Finland this year. At the beginning of the year, 75 new wind turbines were built, with a total output of 439 megawatts (MW). The combined production power of our country’s […]


Press releases

The Governmental Programme of the new Finnish Government

According to the Prime Minister Orpo’s Governmental Programme (in Finnish) published on Friday 16th of June, Finland is committed to the previously defined climate targets. In addition, the Governmental Programme outlines that the operating conditions for wind power will be developed and that the increase in electricity production will be ensured putting emphasis also on the […]


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