
Suomen uusiutuvat on alansa arvostettu edunvalvontajärjestö, joka edustaa jäsenyrityksiään kansallisen aurinko- ja tuulivoima-alan tukemisessa ja kehittämisessä Suomessa. Tutustu jäsenistöömme!

Kaikki jäsenrekisterin tulokset:

Epv Energia Oy

EPV Energy Ltd is a Finnish energy company that generates and procures approximately 5% of all the electricity consumed in Finland. The company generates and acquires electricity and heat for its shareholders, i.e. Finnish energy companies. EPV Energy has 70 years of experience in responsible energy generation. We focus on emission-free and reliable energy generation with determination and purpose. At EPV Energy, we have greatly improved our range of energy generation, resulting in significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. We aim to achieve carbon-neutral electricity generation by 2030. In 2021, the share of emission-free sources in EPV Energy’s electricity generation was 84.2%. EPV Energy has 70 years’ experience of responsible energy generation. EPV Energy’s turnover in 2021 was MEUR 440 and we employed 118 people.

EPV Energy is one of the largest producers of wind power in Finland, having started our wind power programme as early as 2006. Right now, EPV Energy’s sixth wind farm is well on its way to completion in Närpes, Finland. Wind power is an important form of energy production for the company. In 2021, approximately 23% of EPV’s energy generation was already coming from wind power.

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esmeraPartners GmbH

Esmera is an independent, international M&A Boutique with a clear focus on energy infrastructure and cleantech. Founding members have a hands-on involvement in the company, operating from offices based in Munich and Constance.

We work on renewables energy transactions in Finland on a regular basis and gained experience in Nordpool markets from numerous transactions over the last 10+ years. Most often we help to sell or finance wind and solar PV projects, both operational or in development stage. We also help our clients to sell renewable energy development companies (partly or as a whole) and to expand into new markets where we already have expertise.

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We offer a wide selection of different consulting services related to wind power.

We have extensive experience of Due Diligence projects for the wind power industry. We understand the importance of flexibility and speed in a Due Diligence Process.
Want to optimize your wind or solar farm? We offer various studies needed during the permitting process.
We evaluate the core resources of your project, tailored according to your needs.
We have calculated feasibility for an extensive number of wind and solar power projects in Finland using our own developed feasibility calculation model.
We have successfully participated in over a dozen transactions of Finnish wind power projects, usually acting as the seller’s advisor.
We offer various services for permitted or operational wind farm projects.

IN ADDITION TO separate consulting services, we offer overall development services. Our largest service package is a set of all the services that a project owner needs to advance the project from idea to building permit.

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Eurolaite Oy

Eurolaite Oy - sähkötekniikan asiantuntija

Eurolaite Oy on vuonna 1988 perustettu sähkötekniikka-alan asiantuntijayritys, joka on erikoistunut sähkötekniikan tuotteiden maahantuontiin, markkinointiin ja myyntiin sekä palvelun tuotantoon. Toimintamme keskeisimpinä tavoitteina ovat hyvä asiakaspalvelu, täsmälliset toimitukset ja korkeatasoinen tekninen tuki sekä teknisen ja taloudellisen lisäarvon tuottaminen asiakkaillemme. Vahvuuksiamme ovat ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta ja heidän pitkä kokemuksensa sähkötekniikan alalta.

Eurolaite Oy - Experts in electrical engineering

Eurolaite Oy was founded in 1988 and it is an expert company specialising in importing, marketing and selling electrical engineering products. Our key targets are good customer services, punctual deliveries and high quality technical support. Our strengths include professional staff with long experience in this field.

We represent the leading suppliers in our field. Their products and services offer our clients competitive and comprehensive solutions of high quality. Our products include products made for electricity stations, for electricity quality control, protection of the electrical network and the construction of the distribution network.

We are a part of the Swedish listed Addtech consolidated corporation and its Energy Supply unit. Together with our sister companies we can offer a comprehensive network of products and services in northern Europe.

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European Energy Suomi Oy

European Energy on vuodesta 2004 toiminut tanskalaistaustainen kansainvälinen uusiutuvan energian yritys, joka on aktiivinen noin 25 maassa Euroopassa ja sen ulkopuolella. Olemme asentaneet tähän mennessä yli 2 GW uusiutuvan energian hankkeita. Kehitämme, rakennutamme, hallinnoimme ja omistamme aurinko- ja tuulivoimapuistoja sekä akku- ja Power-to-X hankkeita. Suunnittelemme hankkeemme aina paikallistilanteen ehdoilla. Visiomme on olla merkittävä tekijä maailmanlaajuisessa vihreässä siirtymässä.

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Eurowind Energy Oy

Tanskalainen Eurowind Energy A/S on yksi Euroopan johtavista tuuli- ja aurinkovoima-, sekä hybridiprojektikehittäjäyhtiöistä. Suomen yhtiömme Eurowind Energy Oy on keskittynyt pääasiasiallisesti tuulivoimakehityshankkeisiin.

Eurowind Energy A/S is a Danish company, which has evolved in being a leading developer and operator of wind turbine, solar and hybrid projects. In the Finnish branch office Eurowind Energy Oy we are predominantly involved in different stages of development of wind projects.

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