Press releases

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Press releases

A fixed distance requirement could halt wind power development in Finland

A provision for a fixed minimum distance between wind turbines and residential areas is being considered for the new Land Use Act. The same distance requirement for all projects would, in many cases, completely prevent wind power development and jeopardize industrial investments in Finland that rely on clean and affordable electricity. Additionally, such regulation would […]


Press releases

Supply chains and sustainability processes of solar panel importers examined

The report published today by Finnwatch highlights responsibility challenges in solar panel supply chains and the need to improve product traceability. Strict regulations in the United States have already led to cleaner supply chains, and Finnwatch calls for similar measures in the EU to ensure fair competition for European companies and reduce Europe’s dependence on […]


Press releases

Wind and solar power have lower environmental impacts than other energy production

Renewables Finland, representing industrial-scale solar and wind power, has collaborated with the consulting firm One Planet (formerly Kari & Pantsar Co.) to assess the environmental impacts of onshore wind and solar power in Finland and compare them to other forms of energy production. The study shows, among other things, that even at its maximum extent, […]


Press releases

Finland has over 100 GW of wind power in the planning pipeline

According to project statistics from Renewables Finland, there are over 100 gigawatts (GW) of wind power at various stages of planning in Finland. Not all planned projects will be realized, but a broad portfolio of wind power projects ensures that even as electrification and major industrial investments significantly increase electricity demand, wind power can meet […]


Press releases

Nearly 300 industrial-scale solar power projects are planned in Finland

The role of solar power in Finland’s energy production is rapidly expanding. For the first time, a comprehensive list of industrial-scale solar power projects under development in Finland has been compiled. This list reveals a significant potential for solar energy in the country: 285 projects are planned, with a combined capacity exceeding 23 gigawatts (GW). […]


Press releases

Wind power became Finland’s second-largest electricity production method.

Wind power produced the second most electricity among all production methods in Finland last year. Its share of electricity production grew significantly during the year, overtaking hydropower, which had long held the second position. Wind power already accounted for 24 percent of total electricity consumption in Finland for the year. Solar power is also seeing […]


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