Press releases

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Press releases

Wind power is being built with accelerating pace – municipalities benefit the most by also investing in education

Wind power construction is now more intense in Finland than ever before. At the beginning of the year, 154 new wind power plants have already been built. The temperate summer season is used in construction, and even more power plants are expected to be completed in the second half of the year than in the […]


Press releases

Wind power has been set stricter sound guidelines than other societal functions

The public has sometimes wondered why wind turbines generators (WTG’s) should not be built in industrial areas or along highways. In practice, Finnish legislation already directs WTG’s to be built far from residential areas. Sound guidelines that are stricter than other functions of society make the construction of wind power in industrial areas impossible in […]


Press releases

This year there will be 1 000 wind turbines and 5 000 megawatts in Finland

Global Wind day is celebrated on Wednesday 15th of June. The amount of wind power is growing – both in Finland and globally – but even more growth is needed. In 2025 wind power will cover more than a quarter of the electricity consumed in Finland. The message of Global Wind Day, however, is that […]


Press releases

The annual meeting voted for a new board for 2022

New board members for a two-year term were elected at the annual meeting of the Finnish Wind Power Association held in Helsinki at Apr 13th 2022: Veli-Pekka Alkula, OX2 (alternate member Teemu Loikkanen, OX2) Jenny-Li Holmström, Taaleri Energia (alternate member Erkki Kunnari, Taaleri Energia) Aapo Koivuniemi, ABO Wind (alternate member Amanda Cardwell, ABO Wind) Sami […]


Press releases

Important guidelines to promote renewable energy investments made in the government discussion on spending limits

According to the Finnish Wind Power Association’s estimate, at least EUR 5.5 billion worth of wind power investments are pending before the administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court. It is important that the additional resources available for administrative rights are used to dismantle queues for zoning and building permits. In its discussion on spending […]


Press releases

Wind power is the key to increasing Finland’s energy self-sufficiency

According to the Project List updated by the Finnish Wind Power Association in March, Finland’s domestic wind power construction is strongly growing again this year. An increase in energy self-sufficiency is also supported by a statement issued by the European Commission in March, which said that the EU would significantly reduce its energy dependence on […]


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