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Economic research and FCG: Wind power plants do not affect residential property prices

The first study of its kind in Finland shows that wind farms have have no effect on residential property prices. Municipalities in which wind power was built between 2012 and 2021 were selected for the study commissioned by the Finnish Wind Power Association and carried out by the Finnish Consulting Group (FCG) and Taloustutkimus (independent […]



New research data from Finland: wind power does not cause health problems

According to a recently published study, people living near a wind power plant did not have more diseases or symptoms than in the reference area. An in-depth study shows that wind power is planned and built in Finland at a sufficient distance from the population. A study by the Turku University of Applied Sciences’ Built […]



Infra sound of wind turbines and health

The Government-funded project investigated the health effects of infrasound from wind turbines in Finland. According to the research results, the infrasound of wind turbines does not explain the symptoms associated with wind turbines. The study was performed as a multidisciplinary collaboration by the Technology Research Center VTT Oy, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, the University […]



Employment and regional economic effects of wind power

Wind power investments bring benefits to Finland, e.g. in the form of jobs, turnover, value added and taxes. The report on employment and regional economic impacts of wind power examines the employment and regional economic impacts of wind power projects built in Finland during the entire current wind power capacity, ie approximately 2,000 MW, over […]


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