Wind power

Read about wind power production, the impacts of wind power projects and their various stages and the economic viability of wind power production.

Project development of the offshore wind power project

An offshore wind power project may be located in territorial waters or in Finland’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ). In the territorial waters, licensing follows more or less the same format as in an onshore wind power project. In terms of territorial waters, an agreement on the use of the water areas must be drawn up with Metsähallitus. A zoning plan is also drawn up in the offshore areas, and the municipality is responsible for the planning in the same way as in land areas. Geotechnical surveys need a permit from the Defence Command of the Finnish Defence Forces. The cable lines of the Finnish Defence Forces must also be taken into account in an offshore wind power project. Unlike with onshore wind power, offshore wind power always also requires a permit under the Water Act, which is applied for separately with regard to every wind turbine designed for the wind farm.

It is advisable for the project developer to take into account that, despite the location, an offshore wind power project may require a procedure according to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, i.e. an assessment of environmental impacts across state borders. The procedure by virtue of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context is required in projects that have impacts across boundaries.

Offshore wind power in an exclusive economic zone

The exclusive economic zone of each country is located outside the limits of territorial waters. The exclusive economic zone extends to boundaries based on international agreements. Operations in the exclusive economic zone are governed by the Act on the Exclusive Economic Zone of Finland. The legislation applied in the zone is partly different than in the land and territorial water areas of the State of Finland itself, and therefore the licensing of projects taking place within the zone is also partly different in comparison to other areas.

An offshore wind power project planned for the exclusive economic zone needs to be approved by the Government by virtue of the Act of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Finland in terms of surveys and construction in the economic zone. According to the Act of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Finland, it is possible to build on these sea areas for the purpose of their economic utilisation with the consent of the Government based on application. No plan is drawn up for the exclusive economic zone, and construction does not require a building permit. An offshore wind farm located in the exclusive economic zone also requires a permit under the Water Act in the same way as wind farms located within territorial waters.

By virtue of the Territorial Surveillance Act, as a rule, it is not required to apply for a permit for exploration and survey, granted by the Defence Command of the Finnish Defence Forces, in terms of a project located in the exclusive economic zone. However, a permit is required for running a cable through territorial waters. The Finnish Defence Forces also gives its views on the project’s acceptability in the Government upon the application of the exploration and exploitation permits for the area. The environmental and base studies of a wind power project located in the exclusive economic zone correspond to those of an offshore wind power project located in territorial waters. An environmental impact assessment procedure is also always carried out on the project.

In Finland, the first exploration permits for offshore wind power projects in Finland’s exclusive economic zone were granted in January 2022. Read more (in Finnish).

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